With our bellies full we thought we would take in some sights. But where to go? Why....downtown to see the Capital Building, of course! I've never been down there, neither has the hubby. It was nice to drive through the tall buildings and act as tourist for a bit.
We are getting close....
Before we headed inside, these crazy little squirrels came right up to us.
I guess they must have been used to all the people visiting, they weren't shy at all.
Such a pretty building, so much detail was put into it.
There's a lot of history in Austin.
I didn't know you could actually tour the inside.
After going through some metal detectors, these two statues of
Stephen F. Austin and Sam Houston greet you.
It was so big and beautiful on the inside, so many things to look at.
My favorite was to look up at all the balconies.
And looking down from the top balconies.
We even found one of the elevators that had doors made out of gold, well it looked like gold.
Since the Representatives weren't in session,
we got to see the inside of the House of Representatives.
We would've checked out the Senate, but it was under construction.
Here's looking from the top balcony.
When we were done looking around, we went to leave and halted in our tracks....
there was a HUGE thunderstorm outside waiting for us.
We waited a bit till it died down, then bared it and ran in the rain back to the car.
We were soaked! We got a good laugh when we got in the car.

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