Friday, November 15, 2013

Friday Foodie Favorites: Roland Wild Swedish Lingonberries

     The other day I found this jar of Lingonberries.  I have never tasted a Lingonberry let alone even heard of them.  So, I thought I why not give it a go.  When I got home I wanted to know what a Lingonberry actually was, so, of course I googled it.  According to "Lingonberries are to Scandinavians what blackberries are to Americans."  Did you know they are also a distant cousin to the cranberry?  If they are like cranberries then I know I would love them!  Now, how to use them?  I saw a few pins on Pinterest that paired Lingonberry jam with Swedish Meatballs...hmmmm interesting.  Well, I didn't have any meatballs..  So, should I spread it on some toast?  Make a PB & Lingonberry jam sandwich?  Looking through the fridge I noticed I and some roasted turkey deli meat, a wheel of Rosenborg Brie, and some bread in the pantry.  Why not make a panini?!

Here's what I came up with!
And it was AMAZ-ING!

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  1. looks delish! I love getting the meatball plate at IKEA - it comes with lingonberry sauce (much like cranberry sauce - but I like it even better)!!! yum-OH!!!

    1. I've actually never been to IKEA, but my mom tells me their meatballs are delish! These lingonberry sauce/jam is awesome!


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