Friday, April 12, 2013

POP! Goes the Bubbles!

     The sun was shining and the birds were chirping, a little chilly but still a great day for a picnic lunch and some bubble fun in the backyard with my big boy.  So after I picked him up from school we stopped by Let Them Eat Cake for some cupcakes for dessert and then Walmart to pick out some new bubble supplies.    When we got home, I put little miss down for her nap then made big boy and I some yummy lunch.  I set out some blankets on the back patio, since we don't have patio furniture yet, for us to sit on and enjoy our lunch.  The cupcakes were great idea!  Liam picked out a Cinnamon Roll one and I chose a Key Lime one and they were DELISH!!  After I cleaned up we busted out the bubbles!  I found a bubble gun that lights up, a big bubble sword, a bubble machine that blows tons of bubbles for you (mostly for Kinley to enjoy), and of course a big bottle of extra bubble solution.  We tried them all out, so much fun!

After Kinley woke up, I brought her outside to play with the bubbles too!
She loved watching them POP! 

After the bubbles, she played some with her ball while Liam kept blowing bubbles.

Just another great day with my kiddos!


  1. How fun:) I love Kinley's bright blue eyes.

    1. We are making the best of the warmer weather these days...time to get ready for summer! It's gonna be HOT HOT HOT!


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