Friday, April 29, 2016

April's Funny Friday

      So here's the deal and how it works....Funny Friday, is a regular feature published on the last Friday of every month.  Funny Friday is a collaborative project.  Each month one of the participants submits a picture, then we all write 5 captions or thoughts inspired by that month's picture.  Links to the other blogger's posts are below, click on them and see what they've come up with.  We hope to bring a smile to your face as you start your weekend.

Today's picture is brought to by Southern Belle Charm 

27 - Southern Belle Charm - April 2016.jpg

1. Chester really loves to FaceTime with his buddy Bruno.

2. Time to update my FaceBook status: Living the Dog life...listening to Snoop Dogg with Minnette, Dana, Shanda, and Gwenyth.

3. Man, this Garage Band update is taking FOR-EV-ER! I just wanna get my rock on!

4. I can't get enough of these crazy cat videos on YouTube!

5. Whoo-hoo! Just completed my Funny Friday Post...... 
Chester from It's a Dog Life :   

Check out these other blogs to brighten your day!

Funny Friday  150 X 150.jpg

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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

April Showers brings May Flowers

     Since it is April, National Poetry Month, my blogger friends and I linked up to create some poems about, well poems.  Click on the links below to check out some other words of rhyme and rhythm. 

Month to Month

If April showers bring May flowers,
then June skies must bring July flies.
If August heat brings September wheat,
then October cold must bring November mold.
If December flakes bring January lakes,
then February chills must bring March daffodils.


Dickinson, Frost, Whitman, and Poe,
These are some of the poets you may know.
Byrons, Eliot, Browning, and Shakespeare too,
All amazing writers through and through.

Check out these awesome poets....

Baking in a Tornado
Spatulas on Parade


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